- Literary is a Fine Arts and Academic event that produces State Champions in each classification.
- The Literary events include the following:
- Literary Interpretation - Solo Dramatic, Solo Humorous and Duo (dramatic or humorous)
- Essay - Personal, Argumentative and Literary Analysis
- Extemporaneous Speaking - Domestic and International
- Music Events: Boys Solo, Girls Solo, Trio and Quartet
- Eligibility reports are required for all Literary contestants.
- Contestants must be academically eligible as specified in By-Law 1.50, and can not be a migrant student as defined in By-Law 1.60.
- Eligibility reports must be received in the GHSA Office at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the first contest.
- The Literary events include the following:
- The rules and regulations of the GHSA as developed and enforced by state and region personnel and as published in the GHSA Constitution and By-Laws shall govern the operation of all Literary meets. NOTE: It is important that all rules be followed precisely in all competitions leading up to the state competition.
- In Literary, a student may represent their school in not more than two (2) individual events and one group event, or two (2) group events and one individual event. A school may have only one entry per contest. NOTE: There may be a conflict in schedule when a student is in two events.
- Schools are encouraged to avoid using the same performance selections in consecutive years.
- In Literary, audiences will be allowed in the competition room (if space allows) for all events with the exception of Essay and the Extemporaneous Speaking Prep Room.
- Photography or video or audio recording will not be allowed at any GHSA Literary event or One Act Play.
- Decisions related to rules’ violations can be made only by judges (acceptable criteria are met) or tabulators (timing infractions) in collaboration with the Meet Director.
- Literary is an inclusive competition. Students with academic accommodations are allowed to compete and receive their accommodations. Appropriate documentation must be provided to GHSA and the Region Coordinator and State Coordinator by the registration deadline.
- Items to be presented to GHSA, the Region Coordinator, and the State Coordinator include the following:
- a copy of the student’s official education plan (504 or IEP) - the plan should be used by the student both in the classroom on a daily basis as well as on standardized assessments.
- a written request for the accommodation from the member school’s administration
- The following rules will apply for students who receive technology-based accommodations:
- the school must provide a device and a printer.
- the contestant must arrive 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the competition time to ensure that all technology is set up and functioning properly.
- the device cannot be connected to the Internet.
- the word processing program must not have spell check or grammar check capabilities (suggestions: TextEdit on a Mac or Notepad on a PC).
- the device will need a wired connection to a printer.
- the school must provide the writing device (laptop), printer and ink, all power and connection cables, and paper for the printer.
- Items to be presented to GHSA, the Region Coordinator, and the State Coordinator include the following:
- Each school wishing to enter Literary must notify the Region Secretary by the deadline date.
- The Literary Roster must be electronically filed at app.ghsa.net by February 1.
- The Region Literary Meets may be held on any date after February 15 provided they are completed by March 8, 2025.
- The State Literary Meets will be held on the date indicated in the Beginning and Ending Dates table at the front of this publication. Schedules will be posted on the GHSA web site.
- The first-place winner from every region in each Literary event qualifies for the State Meet.
- When the first-place winner in a region cannot compete in the State Meet, the next person or group in the order of finish may replace the original winner.
- The school whose winner will not compete must notify the Region Secretary so the replacement can be notified.
- The Region Secretary must notify the GHSA Office about any changes in contestants.
- The deadline to make any changes is the Thursday at noon prior to the State Meet, unless special circumstances exist.
- In a Region Meet where there is a tie in any event involving more contestants than the region is entitled to enter in the State Meet, the judges should deliberate and determine a winner. If, because of very unusual circumstances, two students or groups of students are allowed to represent a Region at State Literary for the same position, only one of these can score at the State Meet.
- When the first-place winner in a region cannot compete in the State Meet, the next person or group in the order of finish may replace the original winner.
- The GHSA Office will furnish each Region Secretary with a copy of score sheets that will be used in region competitions.
- The same score sheet used in region competition will be used at the State Meet.
- The GHSA score sheet includes:
- space for the tabulator to note the amount of time allotted for the event and the amount of time used by the contestant if over or under time.
- space for the rank of the contestant to be clearly noted
- a place in which to write the name of the selection(s) performed
- the number of possible points available
- space for written comments that reflect why points were deducted from presentations.
- Individual copies of the score sheet may be obtained from the GHSA Office or the GHSA web site.
- C. Miscellaneous Regulations:
- During competitions, contestants should be identified by order of appearance numbers ONLY.
- A director/coach is expressly prohibited from conducting during a musical contest at the region and state competitions.
- Digitally created music downloaded from the Internet may be used so long as all copyright laws have been met. It is the school’s responsibility to make sure all copyright laws have been met. There must be proof provided to the judges at the time of check-in with website documentation in the case of music being downloaded from public domain websites.
- Each school having one or more students participating must have a school representative at the Region and State Meets.
- Judges will rank the contestants based on the point totals of each contestant.
- Winners will be chosen by adding up the rankings of each judge.
- There can be no tied rankings or point totals on any judge's score sheet. NOTE: Judges shall not score a presentation below 70 except in very unusual circumstances.
- In the event of a tie between contestants when the rankings are tallied, point totals will be used to break the tie.
- All decisions are final. Mistakes due to mathematical errors or decisions made contrary to GHSA rules that are discovered before or after the decision of the judges shall be corrected.
- Judges will be seated in different parts of the competition room, and will render their decisions with out conferring. NOTE: When necessary, judges may sit together to view a single piece of music, but they may not confer with one another.
- The presiding official at each event shall not (by word, gesture, or any other expression) indicate approval or disapproval of the performance of the contestant.
- For timed events:
- an adult timekeeper (may not be a high school student) MUST be present at all region and state events.
- the timekeeper shall not be a judge.
- The adult timekeeper will show time cards upon request, record times and provide them to the event coordinator or tabulator at the end of the competition.
- Point totals for determining the Region Champion and State Champion in Literary are as follows: First place - 7 points; second place - 5 points; third place - 3 points; fourth place - 1 point. NOTE: If two contestants finish with equal ranking points and numerical points, each school will receive half the points for the two positions combined.
- The State Literary Coordinator is Tim Harris (e-mail: tim.harris@bufordcityschools.org).
- The GHSA will provide:
- A competent person at each State Literary Meet to discuss the rules with the judges prior to the contest.
- Two competent judges to adjudicate each competition.
- Written copies of the rules for each competition.
- Completed score sheets at the State Meet are submitted by the judges to the chairperson of each contest.
- The chairperson will place the score sheets in a properly marked envelope, seal it, and turn it in to the GHSA representative.
- The envelope will be opened by the GHSA representatives who will tabulate the results and announce the winners.
- In the event of error by the judges (i.e., mathematical errors, having tie scores, etc.) the score sheets will be returned to the judges for correction.
- Ties in the State Meet shall stand, and the points shall be divided equally among those who are tied.
- All judges decisions are final. Protests are not allowed.
- Schedules for the State Meet will be posted on the GHSA web site.
- Separate contests will be held in Solo Dramatic Interpretation, Solo Humorous Interpretation and Duo Interpretation (dramatic or humorous) in all classifications.
- This is a competition involving the communication of prose, poetry, and/or dramatic literature.
- The selection should be taken from a published book, play, musical or online written source. Student-written pieces and selections from television or movie scripts, video games or social media platforms are not allowed.
- The contestants are judged on how well they communicate the author's meaning to the audience.
- The contestant is expected to give the audience a brief introductory statement about the selection(s), including the author, title and a brief context (This introduction is not required to be presented at the beginning, but can be embedded into the presentation.)
- The material must be memorized and delivered without the use of a manuscript.
- The area of presentation should be completely vacant - chairs are not allowed. No costumes, props, music, or recorded sound effects may be used in the presentation.
NOTE: Definition of Properties from The Stage and The School, 8th Edition, 1999, page 600: All the stage furnishings, including furniture and those things brought onstage by the actors; also called props. - Movement, physical contact and eye contact are allowed.
- Coaches are encouraged to develop interpretations that are unique and not copied from other sources or online performances.
- Contestants participating in solo interpretation (dramatic or humorous) should portray a minimum of two characters in their presentation.
- A student may participate in only one individual contest in Literary Interpretation but may also enter in the group event of Duo as per GHSA Rules. (GHSA Literary students may enter two (2) individual events and one (1) group event, or one (1) individual event and two (2) group events. The two (2) individual events cannot be in the same discipline.)
- Roles/characters in Duo Interpretation must be balanced. In other words, one performer should not speak the majority of the time.
- Each contestant’s interpretation must be a minimum of five (5) minutes and no more than ten (10) minutes in length.
- The time allotment includes the introduction to the interpretation.
- The adult timekeeper will show time cards upon request, record times and provide them to the event coordinator or tabulator at the end of the competition.
- Any performance that does not meet the minimum length (5 minutes) or exceeds the maximum length (10 minutes) will be scored but cannot be ranked in the Top 4.
- If the order of performance is not assigned by the GHSA, contestants shall draw for order of presentation upon reporting to the site of the competition.
- Contestants who are not present at the time of the drawing, will have their position drawn for them.
- Contestants who have conflicts with other Literary events should consult with the GHSA prior to the contest, and may have early or late presentation positions designated for them.
- The first place winner in each Region competition shall advance to the State competition.
- One (1) substitution will be allowed in Duo advancing to the State Meet after Region competition.
- Judges shall follow scoring directions provided by the GHSA office.
- There shall be two (2) judges assigned to this competition at the Region and State levels.
- The following criteria will be considered in the judging:
- selection of material
- communication skills
- vocal technique
- physical technique
- The judges shall use GHSA scoring sheets and shall follow scoring directions given to them by the GHSA Office.
- The following criteria will be considered in the judging:
- Separate contests will be held in Argumentative Essay, Personal Essay and Literary Analysis in all classifications. A student may compete in only one (1) of the essay categories.
- This is an on-the-spot writing contest in which contestants are provided with topics on which to write.
- The GHSA Office shall select at least three (3) topics for the contests in Argumentative Essay and Personal Essay, and two (2) topics in the Literary Analysis contest.
- Argumentative Essay topics will be selected from current events discussed in the media through the end of January prior to the competition.
- Personal Essay topics will be short prompts designed to elicit creative and descriptive narrative responses.
- Literary Analysis topics will be excerpts from prose or poetry along with a prompt that directs students to use evidence, support and commentary to develop a defensible interpretation of the excerpt.
- For the Region competition, the GHSA Office will send the topics to the Region Secretary (or their designee) in sealed envelopes, and the seal will be broken for the first time in the presence of the contestants at the competition site.
- For the State competition, the GHSA Office will send topics to the State Literary hosts in sealed envelopes, and the seal will be broken for the first time in the presence of the contestants at the competition.
- Topics used at State Literary will be different from those used at Region Literary.
- The GHSA Office shall select at least three (3) topics for the contests in Argumentative Essay and Personal Essay, and two (2) topics in the Literary Analysis contest.
- Contest Rules:
- Contestants will compete at the same time in a group setting.
- Contestants will have one (1) hour to write their essay. Contestants must stop writing when time is called.
- Contestants may NOT use a dictionary or other reference materials during the competition.
- Essays shall be written on lined paper in blue or black ink.
- Contestants must provide their own paper and pens.
- This is an on-the-spot writing contest. Any evidence of pre-written, memorized of plagiarized compositions will result in disqualification.
- The first place winner in each Region competition shall advance to the State competition.
- Judging Criteria:
- The essays shall be judged on the following:
- Thesis & Line of Reasoning (20%)
- Content & Development (20%)
- Analysis & Support (20%)
- Organization & Structure (20%)
- Style & Sophistication (20%)
- The essays shall be judged on the following:
- Separate contests will be held in Domestic and International Extemporaneous Speaking in all classifications.
- This is a speaking contest in which contestants are provided with a selection of topics dealing with current national and international issues that have been discussed in periodicals since September 1, of the current year that have been compiled by the GHSA Office. In late January, the GHSA will distribute three (3) general areas that topics will be chosen from in both Domestic and International Extemporaneous.
- Contestants will be allowed to use one note card (either 3x5 or 4x6) during the speech. NOTE: Contestants who use more than one notecard or something other than a notecard of the specified size will be scored, but cannot place in the Top 4.
- Thirty (30) minutes before the contest is scheduled to begin, the student who is to speak first shall draw three (3) topics and select one (1) on which to speak. The remaining two topics are returned.
- Contestants will draw for topics at seven (7) minute intervals in the order of presentation.
- The presiding official of the contest shall record the contestant's name, contestant's school, position for presentation, and topic drawn.
- A student may compete in only one of the two Extemporaneous Speaking disciplines.
- The procedure for the contest shall be as follows:
- After each student has drawn a topic, that student will be escorted to a room where he/she will have 30 minutes to prepare a speech in brief, outline form.
- Students should not compose and read an entire speech from their notecard.
- Students cannot leave the prep room during their 30-minute prep time.
- Contestants may not receive assistance from another person, but may use any paper copy materials that have been brought to the site as well as self-contained computers or laptops. (Cell phone and/or smart phone use and Internet access IS NOT allowed and will result in disqualification. Cell phones must be left outside the prep room or with the monitor). Contestants may make use of a computer or laptop to store and to retrieve subject matter only. NOTE: If the Internet is needed to retrieve stored material, this retrieval will not be allowed.
- At the end of the preparation time, the contestant will be escorted to the presentation area and the contestant shall give a copy of the selected topic to a judge.
- Each contestant shall be allotted seven (7) minutes in which to deliver the speech. The adult timekeeper will show time cards upon request, record times and provide them to the event coordinator or tabulator at the end of the competition. Contestants that exceed the time limit (7 minutes) will be scored, but cannot be ranked in the Top 4.
- The first place winner from each Region competition shall advance to the State competition.
- After each student has drawn a topic, that student will be escorted to a room where he/she will have 30 minutes to prepare a speech in brief, outline form.
- There shall be two (2) judges for Extemporaneous Speaking at the Region and State competitions.
- The judges shall take into consideration the following components:
- Thesis & Content (20%)
- Development & Support (20%)
- Organization & Structure (20%)
- Language & Delivery (40%)
- The judges shall use GHSA score sheets and shall follow scoring directions given to them by the GHSA Office.
- The judges shall take into consideration the following components:
- If the order of performance is not assigned by the GHSA, contestants shall draw for order of presentation upon reporting to the site of the competition.
- Contestants shall report to the drawing area at the designated time set for the contest.
- Contestants who are not present at the time of the drawing, will have their position drawn for them.
- Contestants who have conflicts with other Literary events should consult with the GHSA prior to the contest, and may have early or late presentation positions designated for them.
- Trio and Quartet are singing competitions held in all classifications.
- The singing parts for these events are as follows:
- Trio - Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Alto
- Quartet - Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bass 1, Bass 2
- Two selections shall be sung from memory.
- Both selections shall be appropriate for a small group of singers.
- For Trio, both selections should be specifically arranged for SSA and should conform to copyright law.
- For Quartet, both selections should be specifically arranged for TTBB and should conform to copyright law. Barbershop arrangements are allowed.
- Both selections must be copyrighted, published pieces, and not arrangements of instructional or choral pieces. Please limit divisi (i.e., limit to cadences, isolated measure, etc.).
- One selection must be one of the following:
- chorale
- madrigal
- art song
- folk song
- spiritual song
- One selection must be a cappella.
- Any group that does not perform selections that meet the above stated criteria will be scored, but cannot place in the Top 4.
- Both selections shall be appropriate for a small group of singers.
- A legal copy of the music to be performed must be presented to the judges. The performance should match the instrumentation of the arrangement of the music presented to the judges. (For example, a cappella arrangements should be performed a cappella. Accompanied arrangements should be performed with appropriate accompaniment - points may be deducted for failure to comply.)
- Live piano accompaniment is the only form allowed (no recordings allowed).
- Contestants must provide their own accompanist if one is to be used.
- Any group that does not present music to the judges will be scored, but cannot place in the Top 4.
- Each group shall be allotted eight (8) minutes to perform their selections. Any group that exceeds the time limit (8 minutes) will be scored, but cannot be ranked in the Top 4.
- An adult is expressly prohibited from conducting during any musical contest at the Region or State levels.
- One (1) substitution will be allowed advancing to the State Meet after Region competition.
- The singing parts for these events are as follows:
- If the order of performance is not assigned by the GHSA, contestants shall draw for order of performance upon reporting to the site of the competition at the scheduled time.
- Contestants who are not present at the time of the drawing, will have their position drawn for them.
- Contestants who have conflicts with other Literary events should consult with the GHSA prior to the contest, and may have early or late presentation positions designated for them.
- At the time of check-in at the competition site, an original copy of the music (may be computer generated) will be presented for viewing by the judges. Each school is responsible for meeting copyright laws. There must be proof provided with website documentation in the case of music being downloaded from public domain websites.
- Judging Procedures:
- Two judges will be used for the Trio and Quartet competitions.
- Judges shall not confer with one another during the competition, but they may sit near one another to view the copy of the music.
- Tabulation of score sheets shall be handled independently.
- Judges shall follow scoring directions provided by the GHSA Office.
- Judging criteria are as follows:
- Musical Knowledge: Pitch Accuracy, Rhythm Accuracy (20%)
- Vocal Technique: Tone, Diction (20%)
- Musicianship: Tempo/Style, Phrasing, Dynamics (30%)
- Other Observations: Ensemble, Stage Presence, Choice of Music (30%)
- Two judges will be used for the Trio and Quartet competitions.
- Separate contests will be held for boys and girls in vocal Solo.
- Two selections shall be sung from memory:
- One selection must be from the standard repertory of the art song, oratorio aria, or operatic aria, folk or spiritual. Any contestant that does not perform selections that meet this stated criteria will be scored, but cannot place in the Top 4.
- Both selections should be from appropriate solo literature and not arrangements of instructional or choral pieces. All music selected should conform to copyright law.
- A legal copy of the music to be performed must be presented to the judges. The selections may be sung with or without accompaniment. The performance should match the instrumentation of the arrangement of the music presented to the judges. (For example, a cappella arrangements should be performed a cappella. Accompanied arrangements should be performed with appropriate accompaniment - points may be deducted for failure to comply.)
- Live piano accompaniment is the only form allowed (no recordings allowed).
- Soloists must provide their own accompanist if one is to be used.
- Any contestant that does not present music to the judges will be scored, but cannot place in the Top 4.
- Each Soloist shall be allotted eight (8) minutes to perform their selections. Any contestant that exceeds the time limit (8 minutes) will be scored, but cannot be ranked in the Top 4.
- An adult is expressly prohibited from conducting during any musical contest at the Region or State levels.
- Soloists are not allowed to use any type of instrument or prop.
- If the order of performance is not assigned by the GHSA, contestants shall draw for order of performance upon reporting to the site of the competition at the scheduled time.
- Contestants who are not present at the time of the drawing, will have their position drawn for them.
- Contestants who have conflicts with other Literary events should consult with the GHSA prior to the contest, and may have early or late presentation positions designated for them.
- At the time of check-in at the competition site, an original copy of the music (may be computer generated) will be presented for viewing by the judges. Each school is responsible for meeting copyright laws. There must be proof provided with website documentation in the case of music being downloaded from public domain websites.
- Judging Procedures:
- Two judges will be used for the Solo competition.
- Judges shall not confer with one another during the competition, but they may sit near one another to view the copy of the music.
- Tabulation of score sheets shall be handled independently.
- Judges shall follow scoring directions provided by the GHSA Office.
- Judging criteria are as follows:
- Musical Knowledge: Pitch Accuracy, Rhythm Accuracy (20%)
- Vocal Technique: Tone, Diction (20%)
- Musicianship: Tempo/Style, Phrasing, Dynamics (30%)
- Other Observations: Artistry, Stage Presence, Choice of Music (30%)
- Two judges will be used for the Solo competition.