Continuing the GHSA’s recognition of the contribution contest officials make to our member schools and student athletes, the upcoming Winter and Spring "Officials Appreciation Weeks” will be held on February 6-10 (Winter) and April 17-22 (Spring). We request that schools hosting events during these designated weeks recognize the contest officials in some special manner (cookies, treats, thank you notes, etc.) to show your appreciation for their service. Thanks to all the schools that participated in the inaugural fall officials week. Please tag @OfficialGHSA on social media posts.
WINTER - Feb. 6-10 (Basketball, Wrestling, Swimming, Esports, Bass Fishing, Dance, Literary)
SPRING - April 17 - 22 (Baseball, Soccer, Lacrosse, SP Softball, Track & Field, Gymnastics)
Thanks, and remember "Without officials, it would just be recess."
Ernie Yarbrough
Assistant Executive Director/ Coordinator of Officiating