This month, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) is embarking on a National Officials Recruitment Campaign. High schools in states throughout the country need more officials – more men and women to stay involved in high school sports by becoming licensed officials.
The issue is twofold. First, we must find ways to recruit more men and women to become involved in officiating high school sports. Second, we have to address issues that are causing these individuals to discontinue their service as contest officials.
To address the first issue, the National Officials Recruitment Campaign designed to recruit more officials on a state-by-state basis. Athletic directors received a poster with the April issue of High School Today, which is designed to be placed in locker rooms or athletic offices in high schools throughout the country.
Titled “The Final Whistle? – Not So Fast,” the poster emphasizes that “The High Schools in Your State Need New Officials.” The poster encourages student-athletes to considering becoming officials to:
- Give back to the sport you love
- Support the teenagers in your community
- Earn extra income
The poster provides the name of the new website that has been created for this project where individuals can sign up to become officials in their respective state – Read Complete Article (